Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Comedian Has Hit Bottom...

The update will come from me today as mom is very sick.  She began getting sick late last night and it continues today.  We are hoping it is just the pain medication that has made her so nauseated.  On a good note, she has not had any pain meds for several hours.  However, she cannot sit up today, which is a big set-back from yesterday.  She was supposed to be released to the hotel today, but they will be keeping her in the hospital overnight.  This will give dad and I some more practice 'nursing' as we are now in charge of her drain tubes.  It's a beautiful day in Rochester, in the 50s and sunny.  Rochester amazes me......everyone here is SOO friendly!  I'm also overwhelmed with how busy this place is.  I feel like I'm back in college.....non-stop action, late nights, Jimmy John's to eat and a Starbuck's to go!!  We are still awaiting her pathology report.  The doctor said that it may not be ready until we meet with the oncologist on Friday.  If you are queasy, stop reading, but I find the updates from the doctor fascinating.  He explained that they take the breasts off, freeze them and slice them like a loaf a bread.  Then they look at each slice, stopping to further examine/test any abnormal looking cells.  Since mom's breasts were full of cysts, it is a long and tedious process.  Therefore, we are still hoping for good news from the reports.  Instead of being anxious, we're trying to be thankful that they are so thorough.  Pray that mom's nausea will pass so she can rest and regain her strength.  Her IV infiltrated so they had to pull it.  The oral anti-nausea meds aren't working as well.  However, mom is as funny as always.  My favorite quote from today is from her conversation with the nurse, "Where is the high that narcotics are supposed to give you?  All I feel are lows."  This has definitely been the longest day for her yet.......I knew we were in for a long day when I got in trouble for chewing gum and she was telling me to hurry and answer my phone.....when the IV pump went off!!  Thanks for your continued concern & Love you all....


  1. Lynda, John, and Amy,

    Thank you for the updates. It helps me know how to pray each day!

    I wish to share some scriptures with you that the Lord has impressed upon my heart.

    "Let us FIX our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:2)

    It is through times like these that He refines (or perfects) our faith.

    And we know that,
    "WITHOUT faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him, for He who comes to God MUST believe that HE IS, and that HE IS THE REWARDER of those who DILIGENTLY seek him." (HEBREWS 11:6)

    He is our GREAT I AM!

    Isaiah 40:10 also confirms this:
    "See the Sovereign Lord COMES with POWER, and HIS ARM RULES for him. See, his REWARD is with him, and his recompense (work) accompanies him."

    And WE KNOW that he cares for us because,
    "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in HIS ARMS and CARRIES THEM CLOSE TO HIS HEART; he GENTLY leads those that have young." (Isaiah 40:11)

    We also know that the Lord provides for us and that when we place OUR HOPE in HIM, we can be renewed.

    Isaiah 40:28-31 reminds us of this.
    "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will NOT GROW TIRED OR WEARY, and HIS UNDERSTANDING NO ONE CAN FATHOM. He GIVES STRENGTH to the WEARY, and INCREASES the POWER of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; BUT THOSE WHO HOPE IN THE LORD WILL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will RUN and NOT GROW WEARY, they will WALK AND NOT FAINT."

    And let us remember,
    "Do not fear, for I AM WITH YOU; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will STRENGTHEN you and HELP you; I will UPHOLD you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

    (Amy, you claimed this verse in October when "the refining process" began; let us comtinue to claim it this day!)


    We love you and are here for you! Call us if you need anything or if you need someone to pray with you!

    In Christ,
    Rachelle and family

  2. Amy, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! ~Porter

  3. Hi guys,
    I'm eagerly awaiting the pathology report along with all of you. Lynda, I must say that your post absolutely cracked me up. I could just picture you strolling up and down the hall with all your makeup on. From the sound of that post, if they'd have had a kitchen you'd have been in it. I hope you had a better night last night. Amy, I know this is very hard on you and your dad to see her so sick. I'm praying for good (and thorough) news. Payton has done great this week with school and her other activities! I'm so proud of her! Keep us posted. I love you!
