Friday, November 6, 2009

Cancer In Both Breasts....Full Report At 1:00

Good morning!  I'm happy to report that mom's nausea is better.  She can only tolerate Tylenol, so I pray the ride home is bearable.  Though my plane is scheduled to leave today, I'm ditching it to help bring mom home.  I'm certain Eric will have a hard time explaining this to the kids as they have been counting down the days until I return.  However, I can't imagine leaving mom and dad at this time (mom also added that my nursing skills could use more practice).  We will meet with the oncologist at 1:00 for a full pathology report.  However, the doctor reported this morning that there was cancer in both breasts.  Mom had a mammogram (clear) in February and another in October.......the cancer grew fast between this time so ladies, please keep your mammogram appointments and don't put them off.  I will post the report this afternoon before we start home.
As we leave we feel blessed.  God has been mom's strength, provider and healer.  The doctor's have also shown great bedside manner, along with great skill.  Most who visit Rochester have a common link.  They are here because a loved one is sick.  We praise God that mom came through this step of the experience with a hopeful outlook.  Being around the clinic is very humbling.  There are many here from all around the world with incurable problems.  One lady I visited with said, "Having cancer makes you grateful for all of your other blessings in life."  If you are my friend, slap me the next time you hear me complain........about anything!!!  Will talk more this afternoon........

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you during each moment of the day. Judy
