Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blessings Continue:

Mom was released from the hospital at noon yesterday.  She had an oncology appointment at 1:00, that she insisted on walking to herself.  We received another answer to chemotherapy!  The oncologist (and his assistant who was from Evansville) explained that there was cancer in the left breast that was contained in the lobe.  Therefore, the mastectomy took care of that.  The right breast contained invasive cancer, but it was caught early (stage 1) and did not appear to be very invasive.  Therefore, the benefits of chemotherapy did NOT outweigh the risks.  It was a blessing that they completed a double mastectomy.  Mom's cancer is receptor negative, which means it is NOT estrogen fed.  If it were, there would be other treatment options such as a chemo pill, etc.  However, there are few options for receptor negative breast cancer so it was another blessing that this was caught early.  Mom will have to return to the Mayo Clinic every 6 months for the next five years for ultrasounds of the chest wall, etc.  She also has an appointment on December 1st to investigate some issues with her uterus that, "...are not normal."  Hopefully this is nothing.
With the great news, mom instructed that we get her home to her grandkids.  Therefore, we left Rochester at 2:30 p.m. and arrived home at about 3:00 a.m. (would have been earlier with better chauffeurs).  Needless to say, she was in a lot of pain and can hopefully rest today.  She is the strongest woman that I have ever witnessed.  She did not complain once the entire ride home.  She is only taking one Tylenol.  I can honestly say that she has not complained throughout this entire process (even post surgery) which is a testament to her faith.  Please pray that the drain tubes will come out quickly as they appear to be very painful.  Hopefully she will feel like writing the next post herself.........they are much more humorous!!  We are thankful for safe's good to be home!!

1 comment:

  1. So thankful you are all home safely. Judy, Jen & Wil
