Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Surgery Complete

 Mom and dad left for Rochester last Sunday (December 27th).  It was a snowy trip for them, especially around the Champaign area, but thankfully they had safe travel.  They stopped for the night in Wisconsin and stayed at a new Marriott so day one was a success!  On Monday, they arrived in Rochester and mom was able to start shopping for her prosthesis.  On Tuesday morning they fitted her with her prosthesis and that task is now complete.  At noon on Tuesday, mom entered the hospital for her surgery.  The doctor completed a hysteroscopy biopsy........basically he removed one large polyp and two regular sized polyps from her uterus.  Then he completed a dilation & cyrettage of the uterus.  The surgery lasted exactly one hour and was more involved than mom was anticipating.  She came out of recovery around 5 p.m.  Thankfully the surgeon feels that everything looks good.  A complete pathology report will be ready Friday to verify his findings.  Unfortunately, mom was very sick after surgery (worse than the first surgery).  I think it was a combination of the anesthesia and medicine.  However, this morning she is feeling much better and is going to try to eat something.  Depending on how she feels, they may start the journey home today.  She is the toughest person I know.  Knowing dad, he will load her up and head this way ASAP!!  Thanks again for all of your prayers, we know God is good and has taken care of us through this journey.  Keep praying for a clean pathology report!


  1. Here's hoping she is feeling better today. Hate to have them on the road with busy traffic, but I know they'll want to be home. Here's wishing for good weather and good news! Judy, Jenny & Wil

  2. I woke up thinking of all of you today...sending you love and prayers. :) Dee
