Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 18, Sunday

I can't express enough how much we appreciate all of the calls, visits, cards and prayers. Mom has been overwhelmed by the love and concern that has been expressed. Her faith remains strong. She kept her speaking engagement at McHenry this morning. Mom had a biopsy of the uterus on Friday. She will get the results tomorrow (Monday). I will update everyone as soon as the doctor calls. Dad, mom and Eric plan on leaving early tomorrow morning for Mayo. Pray for safe travel and good news!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's diagnosis. Sounds like she is doing the right thing going up to Mayo. I'll keep an eye on the blog, so I can stay in the loop on her progress. Also, thank you very much for the card I got a couple of weeks ago. That was very thoughtful of you to keep me in your prayers and thoughts. I appreciate it. If you ever need to send the kids along with Cherie for the weekend or something, I've got plenty of space and would be happy to help take care of them.
